D19 – North Fylde enjoy an interesting speaker

D19 – North Fylde enjoy an interesting speaker

Members of North Fylde Club recently had a dinner evening with a wonderful speaker, Davey Byers, telling them all about the Medical Alert Assistance Dogs Charity. Davey was very entertaining and feels very strongly about the amazing skills these dogs have and the...
D19 – North Fylde Collecting for Women’s Aid

D19 – North Fylde Collecting for Women’s Aid

We had a request from funding officer Francesca, at Fylde Coast Women’s Aid, for household cleaning materials to give to women moving into new homes. Our President Sue McIntyre presented our assorted collection, and Francesca was delighted and sent her thanks to our...
D19 – North Fylde’s Day Trip

D19 – North Fylde’s Day Trip

In August our President Sue arranged a trip to Myerscough Agricultural College on one of their open days. We had a lovely Sunday morning looking round the grounds and of course having coffee and cakes!! It was a nice surprise to find out that they were selling lots of...