D10 Reading Post Box Topper

D10 Reading Post Box Topper

District Chairman, Margaret Bracher, along with her friend Jan, admire the Post Box Topper in Reading. These toppers are made by Inner Wheel members to celebrate and advertise our organisation. Jan is visiting from New Zealand, the members of the Reading Inner Wheel...
100 for 100 Dunoon D23 Fence Painting

100 for 100 Dunoon D23 Fence Painting

A hardcore group of Dunoon Inner Wheel ladies joined other volunteers working on rubbing down and repainting the public railings along the West Bay promenade, Dunoon. Patience was a virtue, many days had to be abandoned due to the weather conditions. The stoic ladies...
100 for 100 Lingerie Collected D12

100 for 100 Lingerie Collected D12

The members of the Inner Wheel Club of Tunbridge Wells collected bras, pants and sanitary items for the Ukraine. The photo shows a selection of the items that will be going by lorry to aid the women so desperately in need.  
Margarette Golding visits Manchester

Margarette Golding visits Manchester

The 19th Convention took place in Manchester during the 100th year of the founding of Inner Wheel. We were very fortunate to have a visit from Margarette Golding, our founder, who gave us an insight into the beginnings of Inner Wheel. The lady in question was none...