Friendship with Service
The Association of Inner Wheel Clubs is like a wedding cake with tiers:
- The largest and most important tier is at grass roots level with the Clubs. There will be one near you in most towns, cities and large villages.
- The next tier is at District level. There are 29 Districts that make up Great Britain and Ireland (GB&I).
- The third tier is the GB&I Association. This has a Governing Body and Executive Members representing all corners of Great Britain and Ireland.
- The fourth tier is International Inner Wheel. This has an Executive along with Board Directors who represent over 108,000 members in 104 countries.

Orange The World
The United Nations ran a campaign for Orange The World, to stop violence against women and girls. President Heather and her Executive Team whole heartedly supported this intiative.

About Us
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See where our 28 Districts are located and find out more about each one.
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Inner Wheel events
Anthea & Melanie at The House of Lords
Anthea (Past Association President) and Melanie (GB&I administrator) were privileged to represent Inner Wheel GB&I at this prestigious venue and special occasion. It was hosted by Baroness Parminter on behalf of the charity BEAT Our attire was...
International Inner Wheel Cervical Cancer Initiative
The International Inner Wheel President for 2024-2025, Mamta Gupta, is on a humanitarian mission to Uganda to promote the initiative for the year. The challenge is to vaccinate one million girls, between the ages of 7 and 14, against Cervical Cancer. The video...