Inner Wheel – Our Centenary Year Journey continues
From its very beginnings Friendship and Service have always been at the heart of Inner Wheel. With the devastating effects of war still very much in evidence and obvious inequality across the classes, wives of Manchester Rotarians met, on the 15th November 1923, for the purpose of setting up a ladies’ club to run along Rotary lines.
Over the years since Rotary International had spread to Britain, with virtually no welfare or social services available for those in need, Rotary Clubs had endeavoured to do all they could to help alleviate the suffering of those around them. They regularly involved their wives, who would form a committee and then, once the project had been completed, disband until they were once again called upon to help.
However, unknown to each another, in various parts of the country, some of these unofficial groups with a variety of names, having enjoyed the friendship that working together engendered, stayed together. They often initiated further service on their own account, with social events organised and speakers invited to entertain and inform.
First Inner Wheel club formed in Manchester
In Manchester a meeting was held at Heriott’s Turkish Baths in Deansgate, chosen as the venue, as Mrs Golding later admitted naively, because it was the only room they could get for nothing!
The 27 ladies present learned that the object of the club was to be twofold: firstly to foster friendship between the wives of Rotarians and secondly, without encroaching on the prerogatives of the men, widen their opportunities of service, which official club status would give them. With Mrs Margarette Golding as Chairman and Mrs Mabel Nixon taking on the dual role of Secretary/Treasurer, a temporary committee was formed, to take on the administrative duties and find a suitable meeting place.
Eager to progress, by the time of their next meeting, on 10th January 1924, (now celebrated annually as World Inner Wheel Day throughout the world), funds had been raised and 80 woollen baby garments knitted and delivered to St Mary’s Hospital, in time for Christmas. At this meeting, held at the Social Club, Lower Mosley Street, now the site of The Bridgewater Hall, Mrs Golding was elected as President, rather than Chairman; Mrs Nixon as Secretary/Treasurer and because Rotary International’s declared policy would not allow the use of ‘Rotary’, as the minutes show, ‘After considerable discussion’, the rules of the club were resolved and “The Inner Wheel Club of Manchester” name duly adopted, creating a firm foundation and ingeniously indicating the Rotary connection.
The growth of Inner Wheel clubs nationally
Membership grew steadily and had doubled within the year, but the influence of the Manchester Club, lay not only in its active charitable work locally, but in its vigorous help in the formation of other clubs, until in 1928 Margarette Golding, a lady very much ahead of her time, put before the Manchester Club a proposal, with far reaching consequences, that steps should be taken to unite all women’s clubs, existing alongside Rotary Clubs.

The Inner Wheel Club of Liverpool was approached and following a joint meeting, a committee was formed to make arrangements for a Ladies’ Meeting, to be held at the forthcoming Rotary District Conference, in Llandudno – ‘with the approval of No 5 District (Rotary) – who have been most sympathetic and helpful in the matter.’ – laying the basis, for the acceptance of standard rules; exchange of information about service and other projects and above all the inspiration of belonging to the same body as women in other places, serving the same cause and the formation of the soon to be called ‘No 5 Inner Wheel District Committee. Other Districts were formed, taking the geographical area and number of their corresponding Rotary District, their aim to unite all Inner Wheel Clubs in their location and encourage the formation of new clubs.
Establishing a central organisation
By the end of 1932 with the number of Districts steadily growing, the need for a central organisation was being mooted and the proposal to form a central organisation was approved. Mrs Golding was elected President and Mrs Nixon Secretary of an interim committee empowered to draw up a constitution and bye-laws within the year, so that during the RIBI Conference in Douglas, Isle of Man, on May 6th 1934, the draft rules were presented at the Inner Wheel Business Meeting and ‘The Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in Great Britain and Ireland’ came into being.

The Inner Wheel today
From those early days in Manchester, there are currently 406 clubs in Great Britain & Ireland, divided into 29 Districts and with just under 9,000 members. View our district pages.
Embracing the object of International Understanding, International Inner Wheel (IIW) was formed in 1967. Active in 104 countries, with over 108,000 members in 3,895 clubs, it is one of the largest women’s voluntary organisations in the world, and has representation at the United Nations.
Bibliography: Home and Horizon by Millicent Gaskell; Inner Wheel A History by Jay French; Friendship through Service by Kathleen Hovey

Margarette Golding
Founder President, Association of Inner Wheel Clubs Great Britain & Ireland
Described by someone who knew her intimately as ‘a truly remarkable woman with great courage, foresight, intelligence and business acumen’, Margarette Golding, Peggy to her friends, was the moving force which inspired those innovative Manchester members to firstly appoint her as Chairman of the interim organising committee, then at the next meeting elect her as Founder President of ‘The Inner Wheel.’ A name she herself had coined.
Of Welsh extraction, born in Blaenau Ffestiniog, Margarette (nee Owen) trained as a nurse, serving throughout World War 1, before becoming co-owner and director, alongside her husband Oliver, of the Nurses Outfitting Association Ltd, where her vital personality, combined with a clear brain and the ability to convey ideas to others made her a very capable business woman.
She was said to be an excellent speaker, with a lively sense of humour and the gift of inspiring friendship – her ‘At Homes’ were renowned!
A great philanthropist, her chief social interests being The Manchester Girls’ Orphanage and Ancoats Hospital, she was described as having a heart of gold and a generosity that knew no bounds. She was equally generous with her time. A journal written by one fledgling Club Secretary in those early days records how, on realising her knowledge of the Constitution and By Laws was somewhat inadequate she plucked up the courage to enlist Mrs Golding’s personal help and was invited to a private meeting at the Golding home, to learn more about the workings of the Association. “Mrs Golding’s understanding of human nature and her faith in women, urged her to create an organisation where friendship really could grow.” she wrote.
After battling ill health for a number of years, Margarette Golding died in 1939. Her legacy to us: an Association of friends working together for the good of others. Is it any wonder that at the 11th International Convention in May 2000 it was decided that: ‘An award be created in the name of Margarette Golding for highly commendable personal service through Inner Wheel or in the community.’ The award – a neat floral brooch – a marguerite!
Inner Wheel events
Anthea & Melanie at The House of Lords
Anthea (Past Association President) and Melanie (GB&I administrator) were privileged to represent Inner Wheel GB&I at this prestigious venue and special occasion. It was hosted by Baroness Parminter on behalf of the charity BEAT Our attire was...
International Inner Wheel Cervical Cancer Initiative
The International Inner Wheel President for 2024-2025, Mamta Gupta, is on a humanitarian mission to Uganda to promote the initiative for the year. The challenge is to vaccinate one million girls, between the ages of 7 and 14, against Cervical Cancer. The video...