District 14 News & Club News

D14 Camberley Elephant Drive

D14 Camberley Elephant Drive

IW Camberley held a fund raising Elephant Drive (similar to a Beetle Drive) at St Paul's Church Hall in Camberley. The evening was great fun and enjoyed by all our guests who included several members of Farnborough IW, and our District Chairman Pauline Fletcher,...

D14 Aldershot Charity Lunch

D14 Aldershot Charity Lunch

Aldershot club recently held a very enjoyable lunch at President Jan's house for members and partners. This was in aid of the local Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice, which does so much for the care of adult patients, their families and carers, across parts of Surrey and...

D14 Purley’s Garden Party

D14 Purley’s Garden Party

Purley recently held a garden party picnic in President Sarah's garden. In between enjoying the refreshments they discussed the way forward to promote the club to new members, using the new templates for posters and flyers. It was also suggested that printing cards...