D4 Association Assembly at Yarnfield

D4 Association Assembly at Yarnfield

Immediate past District Chairman Christine gives Immediate Past Association President Anthea a gift to thank her for her sterling work over the past year.  And what is in the box?  A lovely memento from all her DC’s . MOC Pat Mirfield receiving her badge of...
D4 Ripon Inner Wheel talk in Ukraine

D4 Ripon Inner Wheel talk in Ukraine

Una Knowles, a member who has served in Inner Wheel for 54 years – wow! (seen on the far left of the photograph), gave a moving, heartfelt and – quite off the cuff – talk about her visit to orphanages in Ukraine some years ago. Some of her stories...
D4 Ripon Inner Wheel Tombola

D4 Ripon Inner Wheel Tombola

Ripon Inner Wheel Club, supported by Ripon Rowels, held a Tombola on the Market Square in Ripon, where they raised £142 for local charities. Geoffrey Johnson, the official Bellringer joined the ladies to help drum up trade! Well done to All for a sterling effort....