World Inner Wheel Day and The Founder Club of Manchester 101st Birthday.

World Inner Wheel Day and The Founder Club of Manchester 101st Birthday.

World Inner Wheel Day & The Founder Club of Manchester 101st Birthday.

Inner Wheel members and friends from both District 5 and District 128 came together in St Ann’s Church, Manchester on Friday January 10th to celebrate World Inner Wheel Day.

We were welcomed with hot drinks and chocolate biscuits, both very welcome on a bitterly cold day!

The District 5 choir, led by Choir Director and Association Membership & Development Chairman Liz Norris, sang some beautiful hymns and pieces of music selected for the occasion.

Reverend Sarah Riding led the service and Dr Ruth Gouldbourne delivered the Address. Both District 5 Chairman Sheila Salden and District 128 Chairman Pat Hayes delivered readings. It was a lovely service.

Many of us, from both Districts, then walked the short distance to the Manchester Hall where the Founder Club meets each month.

We were welcomed by Club President, Mrs Joan Johnstone and then D5 Chairman Sheila Salden and District 128 Chairman Pat Hayes joined Joan in lighting the friendship candle.


Formalities over, we enjoyed a delicious lunch along with some lovely music and songs from Paul Dobie, who persuaded many of us to get up and dance!

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