What an experience!!

What an experience!!

President Anthea, her grandson Rhys and I arrived at Beccles Airfield just before 8.30 am on Saturday 16th September ready and prepared to do our Skydives. The weather conditions were perfect and we didn’t have to wait long at all before we were stepping into our harnesses and being given a 5 minute training session!

I was introduced to the person who I was tandem jumping with, a young man called Callum. I asked him how many jumps he had done, he answered and started counting on his fingers, 1, 2, 3, 4 and half! I said “a half!!!!!”. He then said about 5. Five thousand that is!

As soon as he had said that, my nerves just disappears and then I was as cool as a cucumber as we all boarded the plane. That is when you get hooked up and attached to your tandem jumper. When we were ready to jump out of the plane, we had a funny moment where the wind blew up my top and I looked like a pregnant lady about to give birth! An hilarious point on the video recording!

For me, it was all over too quickly – I think it must have taken us about 15-20 minutes maximum to hit terra firma again! It was the most awesome experience and I am so pleased to have taken part. I am also delighted to report that my Just Giving page currently stands at £2,420 which is to go to Beat – thanks to everyone who gave their support, either in a donation or those who came to Beccles Airfield on the day – it truly was a wonderful day all round!

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