Inner Wheel News

Anthea & Melanie at The House of Lords

Anthea (Past Association President) and Melanie (GB&I administrator) were privileged to represent Inner Wheel GB&I at this prestigious venue and special occasion. It was hosted by Baroness Parminter on behalf of the charity BEAT Our attire was...

D10 Ann Kelly – Riviera Travel Cruise Winner

In May, at the International Inner Wheel Convention, Manchester, I won the prize draw for a Riviera Cruise, I chose the cruise on the Douro River in Portugal. The prize was for 2 and as 1 am a widow I chose my best friend to accompany me. We flew from Bristol...

Cheque Presentation to Beat

During her Presidential year, Immediate Past Association President Anthea chose Beat as her charity.  She was delighted to welcome Chloe, the representative from Beat, to join the Association Executive at Warwick Square to present her with the final cheque.  Chloe...

International Inner Wheel Cervical Cancer Initiative

The International Inner Wheel President for 2024-2025, Mamta Gupta, is on a humanitarian mission to Uganda to promote the initiative for the year. The challenge is to vaccinate one million girls, between the ages of 7 and 14, against Cervical Cancer. The video...

Home Service Reporting and International Service Reporting

The date of the Home Service Report should run from January through to December. This issue crops up every couple of years despite having been unanimously voted on at Council several times.    We would like to clarify the reason that the reports run from January...

Margarette Golding visits Manchester

The 19th Convention took place in Manchester during the 100th year of the founding of Inner Wheel. We were very fortunate to have a visit from Margarette Golding, our founder, who gave us an insight into the beginnings of Inner Wheel. The lady in question was none...

District News

D8 Ely Inner Wheel Support British Heart Foundation

Ely Inner Wheel held their 76th Charter Dinner on 26 February when President Carol Peacock welcomed members and guests including Ely Rotary, Hereward Rotary, District Inner Wheel Chairman and the Mayor of Ely Chris Phillips. We began the evening by the traditional...

D15 Coffee Morning Invitation

The Inner Wheel Club of Maesteg are holding a Coffee Morning on Saturday the 29th March 2025 at 10.30am at Llan Hall, Bridgend Road, Llangynwyd, Maesteg, CF34 9SW. Money raised will go to Breast Cancer Now.

Forfar Club hold an RNLI coffee morning at DC Jean’s

DC Jean writes the following "I am totally gobsmacked by the generosity of everyone who attended or donated to yesterday’s Inner Wheel Coffee Morning held in my home in aid of the RNLI! An amazing £1050 was raised - and I thank you all for your generous donations,...

D22 District Magazine

The latest edition of our District Magazine - 'News in 22' is available here! Latest - Spring 2025 - Edition 158 Previous - Autumn 2024 - Edition 157 Previous - Summer 2024 - Edition 156  ...

D10 Royal Forest of Dean – Easter Eggs

Our ladies are a fabulous bunch and work behind the scenes to ensure that local and international charities are helped at every opportunity possible. Our monthly contributions to The Forest Foodbank were swelled tonight by the dozens of Easter Eggs as well as food...

D10 Royal Forest of Dean – Air Ambulance

We were delighted to welcome Ursula (Sulley) who gave us a very interesting talk about the Air Ambulance Charity this evening. Ursula explained how the crew create a hospital where they land, dealing with major accidents often in tandem with other Air Ambulance...

D5 Hazel Grove Welcome New Member

We were most fortunate that the Association President Heather Sheerin was able to join us on our club night in March prior to our District 5 Rally. We had the pleasure of seeing a new member, Anne Denning, being inducted  by Heather. This made the evening even more...

D10 Pershore – International Women’s Day

In celebration of International Women’s Day on the 8thMarch, President Jan and the members of Pershore Inner Wheel organised an event with seven truly inspirational speakers at Peopleton Village Hall, Worcestershire. The presentations covered High Office, support...

D10 Clevedon skittles and cream tea

The annual District 10 Skittles competition has begun. For those who haven’t come across this West Country game, it’s a bit like ten pin bowling, only played on a wooden alley with wooden balls, and usually in a pub! We were drawn to play the Inner Wheel Club of...