Association Introduction

Association President Betty Roberts (2021-2022)

Dear fellow members,

Here we are at the start of another Inner Wheel year, our 97th to be precise. So much has happened in this time. We have grown from small beginnings in England to a massive worldwide organisation. Friendships have been made across the globe, and we cannot comprehend the amount the service given to communities both at home and overseas. Ladies we truly are a remarkable organisation.

We have survived and thrived in difficult times. However bad a situation seems, there is always the cheerful smile, and friendly face of an Inner Wheel member there to help. Yet the world has never seen such a global catastrophe as the Coronavirus pandemic. As you would have expected, International Inner Wheel has set up a fund to help countries worse off than ourselves, and at home members have been playing their part, providing the NHS with clothing, volunteering to help at vaccination centres, sending gifts and thanks to those working in our hospitals. So many brilliant ways of helping others have been found, and the work goes on.

Unfortunately, the pandemic has influenced all our lives, making it difficult to retain contact with all our members. We have learned to embrace the internet, and meetings online are a regular occurrence. When restrictions are lifted, we will be able to meet again. But ladies, don’t forget the power of the internet. Many of us have joined meetings that we could never have possibly attended in person, speaker meetings have featured experts from far and wide, and who would have believed that we would attend a convention in India from our own homes. We were forced to use the internet, but now we can choose to do so when appropriate. Let us make use of modern techniques and use them to our advantage.

Ladies, whatever the pandemic throws at us in the future, let us enjoy our Inner Wheel, and continue to provide service and friendship both at home and overseas. I look forward to working with you and meeting many of you in the year ahead.

Best wishes,


President Betty’s chosen charity for her year 2021-2022 is The Stroke Organisation.

Click here for more details.

Meet the new President of IIW, Ebe Panitteri Martines

Inner Wheel was officially born in 1924 – and its centennial anniversary is rapidly approaching – thanks to the initiative of a group of ladies who met at the Turkish Baths in Manchester and gave start to one of the most important volunteering Organisations in the world.

Since that inaugural date, IW has been tirelessly working in favour of needy human beings, mainly girls, young and old women.

The UN’s 4th World Conference on women held in Beijing, China, in 1995 has brought steps forward in some areas of women’s and girls’ lives but poverty, discrimination and violence are still strongly present in their lives.

The UN 2030 Agenda clearly states that gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls is the catalyst for the achievement of all sustainable development goals.

The Under Secretary General and UN Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo Ngcuka declared that “One half is an equal share and only equal is enough”.

Women helping women, then, is the orientation of my IIW’s Presidential Theme 2021-2022 “PINK FIRST”.

Our latest news and events

International Inner Wheel Cervical Cancer Initiative

The International Inner Wheel President for 2024-2025, Mamta Gupta, is on a humanitarian mission to Uganda to promote the initiative for the year. The challenge is to vaccinate one million girls, between the ages of 7 and 14, against Cervical Cancer. The video...

Marian receives her Margarette Golding Award

At the recent District Assembly at Aberavon, District Chairman Liz had great pleasure in presenting a Margarette Golding award to Marian Curtis for many years of service and volunteering in her local community and often further afield, she has service at the centre...

Food Bank Donation

At the recent District Assembly Liz Hill O’Shea thanks all Inner Wheel members for their donations to the Bethel Trust Food Bank in Port Talbot. Donations were organised by Maria Williams, District Secretary, seen on the right of the photograph.

Touch, Look, Check

This was the key message from Gudrun and Claire from Breast Cancer Now, District Chairman Liz’s chosen charity. They want everyone to have the confidence to check their breasts and report any new or unusual changes. Any questions or worries about your breasts or...

New club shirts

Members from Reading Maiden Erlegh show off their new club tee shirts, which promote the Inner Wheel version of 'G&T' - it's all about Getting...

Celebration of 50 Years

Not only was 2024 a special year for Inner Wheel but also for District 24 when we celebrated our 50th anniversary.  We became a separate District splitting from District 8 in 1974. Our main celebration was a splendid afternoon tea served in the historic setting of...

Longest Serving Member of Inner Wheel

Betty is the longest serving member of Inner Wheel in the world. Her membership has been for 71 years. Betty is a member of the Gravesend Club and a very proud recipient of the Margarette Golding Award.

D10 Reading Post Box Topper

District Chairman, Margaret Bracher, along with her friend Jan, admire the Post Box Topper in Reading. These toppers are made by Inner Wheel members to celebrate and advertise our organisation. Jan is visiting from New Zealand, the members of the Reading Inner...