Happy New Year! Yesterday, 11th January, Barnstaple held its annual Friendship Lunch, celebrating Inner Wheel Day and raising money for President Sue's Charity, Crohn's and Colitis UK. Our photo shows us getting ready to enjoy a selection of delicious soups made by...
Skittles is back! Royal Forest of Dean played and won our game against Thornbury, three legs to one. Great friendship, fun and a lovely lunch. What’s not to like?!
Royal Forest of Dean Inner Wheel are proud to announce that they collected 384.85kg of food in 2024 for the Forest Foodbank. This Included all the Christmas goodies, and the year long monthly food contributions from our...
Parcels donated by Clevedon Inner Wheel to Andrew house in Clevedon Pictured President - Monica Evans Molly Hutton and Ann Fox with Jess the home manager...
District Chairman Jean has produced Jean's Journeys No 5 highlighting Club visits and events during December and special events. AD1_2024_Jean'sJourneys_5 DC Jean has continued her travels around District 1. Jean's Journeys no 5 is available for December. Enjoy...
IW Macclesfield Castle member Chris Gravestock continues to hand knit blankets, for babies and older knees and also hats. Chris delivered fourteen items yesterday to Macclesfield maternity unit. Chris says "I first started knitting blankets, both baby and knee...
Sunday 8th December 2024 in the words of the song “The weather outside was frightful” but the atmosphere inside was “delightful”. District 22 members, their families and friends came together to celebrate the season of Christmas and all that it means at St Peter...
The Many Hats of Inner Wheel. President Mary showed all members how to make the woolly hats, she had been shown by one of her granddaughters. We all enjoyed craft and chat days where we all brought our wool and were busy chatting and making the hats. The hats were...
Reaching out to our community with an Inner Wheel inspired Christmas Tree displayed in St Martin’s Parish Church in Marple. The unique exhibition was open to the public 7th and 8th December for two days together with lots of other trees creating a special...