D6 International Service: Focus Areas

D6 International Service: Focus Areas

During 2024-2025, as International Service Chairman for District 6, my committee and I plan to continue to support Ukraine, by donating a selection of essential goods via International Aid Trust.

This year we are raising funds for AQUABOXthe charitable organisation which provides safe drinking water and humanitarian aid to people affected by natural disasters, extreme weather and conflicts.  A single Aquabox family-filter can convert up to half a million litres of polluted water into safe, clean water, giving some of those desperate people the hope of a better life. Aquabox: clean water in a crisis.

We hope to learn how we’ve fared when we meet for our International Service Rally in 2025 at The Lake at Barston Restaurant on Thursday 8 May 2025, when afternoon tea will be served.

Beryl Bryant

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