Ely Innerwheel AGM

Ely Innerwheel AGM

On 21st June 2023 Ely Inner Wheel Club held their AGM. Reports and procedures were gone through and the new Committee were voted in. There was only one change, Julia Smith replacing Susie Sallis Brown as International Organiser. Mary Rone said how much she had enjoyed her year as President and was presented with a John Lewis gift voucher. Mary then handed over the chain to Pauline Lancaster who will be President for the coming year July 2023-July 2024. Pauline then presented the Vice Chairman’s badge to Carol Peacock. The new programme of club events will be given out on July 26th. at President’s Evening. President’s choice of Charity for the year is Alzheimer’s Society. The meeting closed and was followed by chat and refreshments including lovely gateaux made by Julia Smith.

Handing over the Chain

President Pauline Lancaster and Vice President Carol Peacock

President Pauline Lancaster and Past President Mary Rone










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