
Where do we meet?

The Sandbach Club is part of Inner Wheel District 5, chartered in 1953 and currently with 20 members. We meet at various venues.


When do we meet?

Meetings are held at 7pm on the second Monday of every month. If you are interested in joining us or finding out more about our meetings then please get in touch via

Club News

Easter Coffee Morning


This week whilst the sun was shining we held our Annual Easter Coffee Morning to raise funds for our local Charities. During the event donations were given to The Brain Tumour, St Lukes Hospice, Multiple Sclerosis , Aquarius Swimming Club and Cancer Research Charities. We thank all those who came along with their delicious cakes, Tombola items, books, jigsaws and the local businesses who donated items for the raffle as well as the members who held their own tables selling such items as handmade cards, wool and beauty products. A most successful fundraising event.



Club News

The Members of Sandbach are forever grateful to Nicola and Jackie for continuing their role as Joint Presidents for the 2023/24 year. During the Summer break they have been working tirelessly organising speakers and events for the coming year especially organising our 70th Charter Luncheon to be held in October and Christmas Coffee Morning in November.

Our Joint Presidents Nicola & Jackie

It was with sadness when our most steadfast member Kathleen Hovey passed away. She was most famous for her publication “Friendship Through Service, the Story of Inner Wheel “ . The patience and dedication shown in all the research undertaken shows how dedicated she was to the Inner Wheel movement. Although unable to join us at our meetings for many years, she insisted on  paying  her subscription. She will be fondly remembered.

On a happier note, in July we visited High Legh Garden Centre when after a look around we enjoyed tea and cake with some venturing forth with fish and chips!

Club News

Many thanks to all those Inner Wheel and Rotary Club members who came along to join us in celebrating our 70th Charter at our Luncheon on Sunday October 22nd. We give special thanks to our District Chairman Diana for cutting the Celebratory Cake with our Club President Nicola and presenting the Longtime Service Awards to our Inner Wheel Members Pauline and Judith who have served over 50 years each. A most entertaining toast to the Club was given by Sandbach Rotarian President Stuart. The speaker for the event was Peter Sykes, a retired surgeon who has written a series of books based on  his 40 years experience working in the NHS. He included many humorous events that had taken place during his time as a doctor and surgeon.

Longtime Service Awards were presented to Club Members Pauline and Judith who have served over 50 years each.

District 5 latest news