
Where do we meet?

The Nantwich Club is part of Inner Wheel District 5, chartered in 1958 and currently with 22 members. We meet at various venues.


When do we meet?

Meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month. If you are interested in joining us or in finding out more about our meeting times and venues please get in touch via

Club News

A Tropic Pamper and Prosecco evening was hosted by Alison Grocott our President-In-Waiting. Clare, a Tropic Ambassador, gave us a talk on Tropic Products which are 100% organic, then, each having brought a
towel and headband in preparation, we selected a product suitable for our skin type and started a cleansing process with a face mask. The resulting green, white and yellow faces were hilarious.We tried out various skin care products accompanied by Prosecco, nibbles, chat and laughter.Our skin finished the evening thoroughly cleansed and ready for bed. Clare kindly donated a proportion the takings ,and along with raffle, money was raised for  President Jane’s charity Chance Changing Lives.






    Club News

Our President(22-23) Jane Wharton decided to have a “pink” handover to our next President, Alison Grocott. Jane dyed her hair pink, despite having sustained a scalp injury a couple of weeks before the day, and we all wore something pink to support her. The aim was to raise, by sponsorship, a considerable sum for Jane’s  chosen charity “Chance Changing Lives” based in Crewe.We all met for a handover meal at The Cheshire Cat in Nantwich , enjoying a fun evening.Two new members came along and they will be inducted in September.

Alison is buzzing with ideas and one of her first innovations to foster closer links with our geographically nearest 
neighbour clubs  has been well received.Her fundraising idea of selling good quality clothing online has had its
first donnations and preparation for online display is in hand.As this the Inner Wheel Centenary Year Alison is compiling a collection of 100 photographs
from the Nantwich Inner Wheel Year as a momento .

Club News

District Chairman Diana’s Visit

Our February meeting was extra special as District Chairman Diana Ayres and District Secretary Ann Wood joined us for the evening at Richmond Village , Nantwich.

Our meal was followed by Diana’s fascinating account of her unusual childhood in Egypt and her subsequent move to
boarding school in England. Diana then had the pleasant task of inducting our newest member, Carole Barrow who has recently relocated to Nantwich.  

Club Soup Lunches

Nantwich Inner Wheel member Sue Meadows has held  a series of Soup and Pudding Lunches for International fundraising.The photograh shows members at the first of these and everybody being dressed in pink is purely coincidental!

District 5 latest news