
Where do we meet?

The Crewe Club are part of Inner Wheel District 5, chartered in 1946 and currently with 13 members.We meet at:

The White Lion, Weston, Crewe, CW2 5NA.

When do we meet?

Meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month, except August. If you are interested in joining us, please contact us via

Club News

Looking Back On Our 2022-23 Year.

The Inner Wheel Club of Crewe is delighted to be able to say that we have gained 4 new members during the last year and, what’s more, they have lowered the average age of the club members! During the winter of 2022/23 the Inner Wheel Club of Crewe’s ‘Knit & Natter’ group, with three members and two guest knitters, produced between them:

  • 38 – Crocus brooches for ‘Hopes and Beams’, a charity which supports youngsters with special needs, who want to sell these so that they can raise funds for Rotary’s ‘End Polio Now’ scheme. They have also knitted 4 Twiddlemuffs for their students’ use, as they have a calming effect on anxious or stressed children.

Twiddle Muffs, Crocus Brooches & Baby Hats

  • For Crewe’s Leighton Hospital, 14 baby hats and 1 baby blanket for their maternity labour ward (midwives). They only needed 14 because the hospital was soon overwhelmed with baby hats as this proved to be a very popular project with the local knitters.
  • Finally, for the international Inner Wheel convention in 2024, they have committed 20 bumble bee brooches so far. As thousands are required, they hope to knit many more in 2023/24.

Bumble Bees for the Centenary IIW Convention

We have been saving our used tablet ‘blister packs’ to take to a Superdrug pharmacy. These are then used to raise money for Marie Curie – an extremely worthwhile cause. So far, we have sent in over 3.2 kg of packs, which is quite a lot considering how light they are!

We held our annual quiz on the 21st April at a local sports club, when 20 teams of 6 took part. We had a fish or pie and chips supper which proved to be very popular. Two of our members did an amazing job of displaying all our raffle prizes and a large number of tickets were sold. As a result, we raised over £1,000 which was shared equally between Versus Arthritis UK and the St. Pauls Centre in Crewe.

Fish and Chip Supper Raffle Prizes

Apart from dealing with furniture and household items for poorer families, the St. Pauls Centre also runs a food bank and we were extremely concerned to learn that the situation has recently become so serious that they have had to buy in more food, to supplement their ‘donated’ stocks.

Anne Thompson Presents Our Cheque to Managers Richard Holmes & Alexia Stockton

On Thursday 25th of May, we celebrated our club’s 77th birthday with an afternoon tea at joint president Chris Gregorys home. Sadly, several of our members were unable to attend, but for those who were there it was a very happy occasion with lots of delicious food.

77th Charter Anniversary Afternoon Tea

Focus on Crewe

The Inner Wheel club of Crewe was founded in 1946.

One of our founder members, Muriel Leach, became District 5 Chairman and eventually Association President of GB&I. Also, another of our members, Mary Mackenzie, was both District Secretary and Chairman of District 5. Another one of our founder members gave birth to Ailsa Clewlow, who became founder member of the Biddulph Club and also District 5 Chairman.             

We usually have about six speakers each year, some are connected to charities we are supporting and others come from a variety of backgrounds: we have had a talk about religious clothing, design and making of jewelry by a silversmith, climate change and also waste disposal to name but a few.

Our biggest annual fund raiser has been a quiz with over 100 people attending, which we have held for several years. Our youngest member works for Santander bank and for the last couple of years they have matched whatever we have made on our raffle, which has helped enormously! We have also had a very popular annual coffee morning near the end of November for several years at Chris Gregory’s home, when we have had mince pies and mulled wine as well. She is also very good at coming up with some very imaginative ways of spending the non-speaker evenings, such as mini quizzes and unusual competitions such as “The most unusual egg cup”. We also have the occasional outing such as the one we had last summer to Keele University, when we were given a guided tour of part of the grounds after afternoon tea.

In 1949 our club won the district 5 competition to name their magazine and the prize was a visitors book. In 1987 the club held a brass band concert which raised enough money for them to buy a Guide Dog, which they also called Quinta. As soon as the site was ready (in 2001), the club planted a Golden Leaf Elm tree at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire to celebrate the Millenium.

Naturally we do quite a bit to support the Rotary Club that most of our husbands belong to. We fill Rotary Shoe boxes each year and, in December, we usually help them with their Christmas float by providing Santa and all his helpers with refreshments at the end of their rounds each evening over a two week period. Last December they were not allowed to knock on doors because of the virus so we weren’t needed, but hopefully things will get back to normal next Christmas. Amazingly though, they still managed to collect a large amount of money last year because so many members of the public came out of their homes to donate money anyway!

We have some very good ‘knitters’ in our group who have knitted baby blankets for Past District Chairman Helen Lamerton’s charity ‘SANDS’ and Sue Protheroe has also knitted blankets for for overseas charities.

In recent years, whilst in ‘Lock Down’, some of our members, along with some ladies who were in the same NWR club as they are, knitted a lot of bunnies in aid of the “Women and Girls” charity.

The Crewe club was the first one in our district to have two members acting as joint Presidents and it suited us so much (what with a lot of us having time to go on holiday more often, look after grandchildren etc. etc.) that we have had joint presidents ever since. We may be a small club nowadays, but we are certainly a very happy one.

District 5 latest news