
Where do we meet?

The Buxton Club is part of Inner Wheel District 5, chartered in 1930 and with 20 members. We meet at various venues throughout the year.


When do we meet?

Meetings are held at 12:30pm on the first Thursday of the month between October and March and then at 6:30pm between April and September. If you are interested in joining us, please get in touch via buxtoninnerwheel@gmail.com 

Club News

The Daniel Baird Foundation Bleed Control Kits

Presidents Mary Davies and Lynda Wright Presenting PC Lora Holdgate with a Bleed Control Kit

Daniel Baird was just 26 when he was fatally stabbed during a night out with friends in Birmingham. Daniel’s mother, Lynne, campaigned for a ‘Public Access Bleed Control Kit’ to provide emergency help for any major bleed trauma and one was developed by West Midlands Ambulance Service, leading consultants from the Trauma Network and the Daniel Baird Foundation. PC Lora Holdgate, Derbyshire Constabulary’s licensing officer in charge of kit distribution throughout Derbyshire, said: “In the event of an incident leading to a catastrophic bleed, every second is vital so these kits really could make all the difference to our communities.” The kit donated by the Inner Wheel Club of Buxton has been placed in the Queen’s Head, adding to those already in some Buxton pubs/clubs.


Club News

100 for 100 Tools for Africa

On a chilly Saturday morning three of our members stood in the porch of Buxton Methodist church to receive donations of tools, haberdashery and other items for the charity

Tools for Self Reliance.

Buxton residents were very generous and a great many items were collected. So succesful was the morning that we shall repeat it later in the year. Who knows, maybe we won’t have hail storms then!


Club News

Club News

On Sunday October 22nd the annual Andrew Heywood Memorial Fell Race took place in Buxton. This half marathon takes fell runners up and down the hills around the Goyt Valley, starting and finishing at Burbage Institute.Members of the Rotary Club of Buxton help with the marshalling and when the runners come back to Burbage Institute the members of Inner Wheel are ready with refreshments. The sandwiches and cakes are all individually wrapped in paper bags, which is very handy as the runners are usually very muddy!









District 5 latest news