D22 Celebration of Membership 18 June 2024

D22 Celebration of Membership 18 June 2024

District 22 Celebration of Membership 18 June 2024
D22 Membership Officer Elaine Hopkins MBE and her team of Lyn Copper, Di Sardesai and Sylvia Netley arranged a “Celebration of Membership” at the Hostess Restaurant Mansfield. 90 members on tables of 10 enjoyed good food, fun and friendship. A monitor was appointed to each table to record the total number of years of membership of those on her table. The impressive total was 1,731 years of service fun and friendship. Certificates were presented to the longer serving members by special guest Liz Norris the Association of Inner Wheel Clubs GB&I Membership and Development Officer and District Chairman Mary Hind. Whilst looking back on the video of D22 over the years, the newer members were also celebrated as they are our future.
For more photos look on D22 Facebook Page

Some of those present.

Loads of certificates waiting to be presented.


And lots more!

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