D22 Carol Service 2023

D22 Carol Service 2023

St Peter’s Church Ravenshead was the venue for District 22 Carol Service.  Attended by more than 120 Inner Wheel members, families, and friends the service was led by Reverend Kate Byrom.  Readings were by DC Mary, MoC Anne Lyons, Ravenshead President Kathy Kings, Ravenshead Member Joy Richardson and Ravenshead Rotary Vice President Dave Lewis.  The choir was in fine voice and the congregation joined in with gusto.  A collection was made and divided equally between the Church and DC Mary’s charities Derby Women’s Centre and Nottingham Women’s Centre. 

The service was followed by mince pies with a hot drink.  Santa arrived much to the excitement of the children and gifts were given.  The raffle raised further funds for DC Mary’s charities. 

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