District 20 News & Club News
D.20 Chocolate Heaven!
Members of West Woodspring were treated to a demonstration of ‘Cooking With Chocolate’ by Sonia and Angela two of their own, it was generally agreed that it should have come with a government health warning. Chocolate crunchie posset, chocolate fudge and flourless...
D20 An Invitation from one of the Original ’79er’ Clubs
Please join us on May 20th 2025 to celebrate Inner Wheel Club of Taunton's 95th Charter Anniversary Please use the reply form issued to your club or the Contact Form with Taunton's 95th as the Subject.
D.20 International Inner Wheel Day
Wellington Club who held a coffee morning to collect items for the Womens Refuge and to Celebrate Doreen's 90th birthday! Bridport catching up in their local craft/restaurant...
D.20 From Weymouth to Wrington Vale
District 20 Clubs have taken part in the UN's 16 day campaign to End Violence against Women and Girls. Here is a snippet! Wrington Vale spread the word on their recent Christmas stall, Taunton Club has been making quilts for S.W. womens refuges and Weymouth support...
D20 Frome Club supporting the Community
"On Thursday President Sheridan presented a cheque to the Frome Christmas Get-Together Coordinators, Di and Emma. The money goes towards the various events on Christmas Day from organising lunch at one venue, to entertainment and Christmas presents to take home and...
D20 Twenty’s Times October 2024
Twenty's Times has arrived with all sorts of snippets about our clubs! Click on the cover below...
D.20 Shepton Mallet’s Successful Sponsored Walk
Wearing our Inner Wheel high-vis certainly made a stir with lots of people questioning us about the Inner Wheel....
D.20 Yeovil at Tesco’s
Did you see us at Tesco in Yeovil? Our display of all we do to support the community at home and internationally. We had many people stop by and show interest. Free lucky dip of chocolate filled bags and lavender bags proved popular and Knit and Natter...
D20 Mendip President in Triathlon
Our visually impaired President, Helen McCann took part in the 30th Langport Triathlon. She was supported by her guide runner Emily, and her guide dog Poppy. For this event she had to swim 16 Lengths of a 25m indoor pool, followed by a 22.5 km tandem bike...
D20 A new venture in Chard
The Inner Wheel Club of Chard’s inaugural Tea Dance was held at Jenny’s Café on Friday afternoon and was well attended and thoroughly enjoyed by an age range spanning about 50 years! A delicious slice of cake and a cuppa to music preceded the dancing which was...