District 17 - Welcome!

All of us from District 17 brought back our own special memories!

About District 17

Welcome to District 17! The photograph above was taken at the July 2023 Rally and includes past presidents with our present president and Association President!

District 17 covers most of Devon and has 6 clubs – Barnstaple, Bideford, Dartmouth, Exmouth, Okehampton and Torquay. Go to the map and list below to find out what happens there.

Who we are

Louise French from Inner Wheel Club of Barnstaple is our District Chairman for 2023/2024

 Jeanette Dommett, from Inner Wheel Club of Torquay, is our Member of Council.

Who we support

District Chairman Louise’s charity for this year is South West Blood Bikers.These are volunteers who use their advanced motorcycle skills in providing an ‘out of hours’ transporting service, supporting the NHS hospitals and hospices.

We have also supported the Association Charity ‘Beat’ this Year as well as The Book Bus at our District International Rally, hosted by Torquay in May.

Shining a Light on our Clubs 2023/2024

District 17 latest news

All Clubs in the District were invited to celebrate with Torquay on the occasion of their 90th Birthday. District Chairman Louise gave our best wishes.

Clubs from District 17 have shone their light and made many donations to CR2EE – Christian Response to Eastern Europe CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT CR2EE

The District 17 Year 2023/2024

Past District Chairman Gay thanked her committee and welcomes Louise. The blue candle was extinguished and the yellow one lit, full of hope for the coming year.

After our pre-rally tea at Queen Anne’s in Barnstaple the more formal  District Rally was held at the Barnstaple Hotel on Tuesday 18th July. Association President Anthea Tilsey was guest of honour and other invited guests included the Rotary District Governor 1175, and the Presidents of both the Rotary Clubs of Barnstaple and Barnstaple Link. We were also pleased to welcome Inner Wheel District 13 Chairman Carol Rajkumar and Inner Wheel District 20 Chairman Janet Fulford

Below an enjoyable get-together for the Executive of District 17 and District 20 at Bickleigh Mill

Our District Christmas Lunch and Tabletop Sale was a busy event with all the clubs raising money for their local charities. We had a very good meal at the Waie Inn, District Chairman Louise welcomed us all and gave out a significant number of prizes! An enjoyable time. Click on the arrows below for more photos of our stalls.

Our District Spring meeting was also a very busy event with a Skittles competition, Darts and a Quiz before the meeting. Thank you t.o  Bideford club for hosting this and congratulations to Barnstaple winning the Skittles

Clubs in District 17


The photo above was taken when we visited the Fern Centre in Barnstaple at the beginning of 2024.  Click the buttons below to find out much more about our club






District 17 Officers

DISTRICT 17 CHAIRMAN – Louise French
1st Vice Chairman – TBA
District Secretary – Margaret Nosowska
District Treasurer – Pat Bunch
Member of Council – Gay Ross
District Editor – June Tamlyn
International Service Chair – June Tamlyn
Membership & Development – Deirdre Stewart

District 17 Events

Pre-Rally15/07/2024Barnstaple Hotel
District Rally16/07/2024Barnstaple Hotel
District Assembly09/07/2024Waie Inn
Social Get-Together17/09/2024Waie Inn
Autumn Exec Meeting08/10/2024Waie Inn
Autumn District Meeting29/10/2024Waie Inn
D17 & D20 Social19/11/2024TBA
Christmas Lunch and Table-Top Sale10/12/2024Waie Inn
D17 International Rally08/02/2025Filleigh
Spring Exec Meeting11/02/2025Zoom
Spring District Meeting, Skittles, Darts and Quiz11/03/2025Waie Inn
Summer Exec Meeting20/05/2025Waie Inn
Summer Distict Meeting24/06/2025Waie Inn

Current Clubs







(1930) EXMOUTH
(1934) TORQUAY

Email Us

If you would like to get in touch please email iwd17sec@gmail.com