Inner Wheel District 127

Click here to see the November 2023 Edition of the

District 127 Magazine – NEWSWHEEL

About District 127

District 127 is a small District with just 12 Clubs, but geographically covers a very large area, including parts of the East Riding of Yorkshire, South Yorkshire and almost all of Lincolnshire.

District Chairman

Gwen Eaton

(IW Club of Immingham)

Gwen’s Main Charity for the year is



Welcome to District 127 where members of Inner Wheel enjoy the company of like-minded people.

We started life in 1985 when Clubs from District 4 and District 22 joined together to form District 127. We still have close links with our parent Districts, meeting up at Rallies and Conferences.

Our Clubs usually meets once a month with fun and fellowship high on the agenda. Our programmes include speakers, outings and special projects. We have strong links with local, national and overseas charities and members enjoy getting involved. We also work alongside our local Rotary Clubs on joint fundraising or community events.

Charities We Regularly Support

Please click on the links below to visit some of the charities we support.

Our Aims & Objectives

To promote true friendship
Clubs meet regularly and have a full and varied programme, including speakers on subjects of interest. By meeting regularly friendships are built and maintained. Meetings are often held with other Clubs, creating a wider circle of friends. The Annual Association Conference extends this circle even more.

To encourage the ideals of personal service
By working together as friends our Clubs have an outstanding record of personal service to the community.

To foster international understanding
Clubs support their own choice of overseas charities as well as their District and Association Overseas Service Chairman’s chosen charity. Clubs also support the International Inner Wheel service project. Many Clubs have a link with a Club overseas and meet every three years at the International Convention.

Social Links

District 127’s Past District Chairmen meet each year for lunch. This is the group that were able to get together in 2023.

The District 127 Year

Please note that some meeting dates, venues and time may be subject to change

Executive Meetings:

26th October 2023 at Hemswell Court             at 10am

29th February 2024 – Zoom meeting                at 10.00am

30th May 2024 – Zoom meeting at 10am

24th October 2024 at Hemswell Court             at 10.30 am

23rd October 2025 at Hemswell Court             at 10.30am

District Committee Meetings:

9th November 2023 at Hemswell Court at 11am. Arrive from 10am

14th March 2024 at Hemswell Court at 11am. Arrive from 10am

13th June 2024 (AGM & Handover) at Hemswell Court. Arrive from 6pm. Dinner at 6.45pm. Meeting at 7.30pm

14th November 2024 at Hemswell Court at 11am. Arrive from 10am

13th March 2025 at Hemswell Court at 11am. Arrive from 10am

10th July 2025 (AGM & Handover) at Hemswell Court. Arrive from 6pm. Dinner at 6.45pm. Meeting at 7.30pm

District Assembly 2024
July 11th – Details to follow

District Rally 2024:

Association National Conference:

There is no National Conference planned this year. Instead, as 2024 is our Centenary Year, we are invited to attend the International Inner Wheel Convention in Manchester from May 7th – 10th 2024.

District 127 Officers

DISTRICT 127 CHAIRMAN – Jane Mason/Joy Broderick/Diana Broadmeadow
1st Vice Chairman –TBA
Immediate Past District Chairman –Gwen Eaton
District Secretary – Pat Alston
District Treasurer –Chris Jones
Member of Council –Barbara Lord
District Editor –Barbara Michaelides
International Service Chair –Tessa Holdaway
Membership & Development – TBA

Email Us

District 127 Events

EventDate & TimeDetails
District AssemblyTBATBA
District Rally10/09/24Hemswell Court Hotel
District Meeting 1TBATBA
District Meeting 2TBATBA
District Meeting 3TBATBA

The invitation and all the details for our Centenary Lunch has now been sent to Club Secretaries.

The venue is Hemswell Court.

Sign up as soon as you can everyone and start looking out any Club memorabilia and photos for our display.


District 127 Rally 2023

Just look through our gallery of photos to see what a super day District members had with

District Chairman Gwen, Association President Anthea and all our other guests.

Click on any photo to enlarge it.


Current Clubs






Doncaster St Leger






Woodhall Spa

(2001) BRIGG
(1957) HALLAM
(1960) LINCOLN
(1960) LOUTH

What will it cost me?

Your Club Annual Subscription, which covers District, Association and IIW international capitation, plus your Club’s costs.

What is involved?

There is a monthly meeting but there are no attendance rules.

Clubs also hold a number of Charity events during the year and social events, such as Coffee Mornings and Knit & Natter

What do I get in return?

An instant circle of friends with similar interests within your own area. If you move to another area, transfer to another Club is a simple process.

  • The opportunity to work together to help with charity work; fund-raising; local community projects and be involved with other communities nationwide and worldwide.
  • Frequent newsletters from your Club, so you are aware of what is happening should you miss a meeting.
  • Our District magazine, called Newswheel, which is published electronically three times a year. There is a report from each Club, plus lots of news and photos.
  • Newsletters/magazines from Association containing articles and information from our friends in GB&I and around the world.
  • Full access to the Association Website with all it’s publications and links.

Tessa’s Bikes for Brainstrust

District Chairman 2022-2023 Tessa cycled around Rutland Water in June to raise money for her Charity – brainstrust.

In a message to us all Tessa’s said: Yes I did do some practice cycle rides and, yes, you may well be surprised to know that the Wolds are hilly and I can freewheel the1.2 miles from the next hamlet, Mareham on the Hill, almost all the way back to number 36! However that did not really prepare me for the Hambledon Peninsular that forms the hilly part of Rutland Water! Sue from Woodhall Spa IW and her husband Rod were my support team. . The weather was perfect, the water blue and sparkling and yes, I did do it. Thank you everyone for your support.

District 127 latest news