D8 Trish Treasures Reunion in Ipswich

D8 Trish Treasures Reunion in Ipswich

This weekend the District Chairmen of 2015-16 held their reunion with Past Association President (now IIW President) Trish Douglas in Ipswich, hosted by PDC Catherine and her husband Alan.

They stayed at the excellent Salthouse Harbour Hotel on the Waterfront. During the weekend they visited Sutton Hoo, Aldeburgh and the Red House (home of Benjamin Britten and Pears). On Sunday morning there was a special guided visit to Christchurch Mansion before enjoying a lunch for Catherine and Alan’s home, where Ipswich East (Catherine’s club) Inner Wheel members Judith, Ruth, Ann and Belinda (and husbands John and Steve) served lunch. Conversations continued throughout the afternoon and into the evening when 14 had supper together before going back to the hotel. A great time was had by all. 











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