Ely Inner Wheel held their 76th Charter Dinner on 26 February when President Carol Peacock welcomed members and guests including Ely Rotary, Hereward Rotary, District Inner Wheel Chairman and the Mayor of Ely Chris Phillips. We began the evening by the traditional Lighting of the Candles for Past, Present, Future and International Inner Wheel. (See photo). The guest Speaker for the evening was Gary Atyes from the British Heart Foundation which is President Carol Peacock’s chosen Charity for the year. Gary Atyes gave a very informative talk on all aspects of the work of the BHF including the mapping of all the defibrillators that have been installed in the area over the years as this will also help the emergency services. Garry was then presented with a cheque for £500, with more to come by President Carol Peacock. (See photo)