D8 Ely Inner wheel fly into the future!

D8 Ely Inner wheel fly into the future!

At our March meeting the guest speaker was Stuart Simpson ,chief financial officer of Vertical Aerospace Limited.   The company are pioneers of the development of a new type of electrical air craft known as EVOTL (electrical vertical take off and landing). Stuart gave a very informative talk stressing the features of the electric aircraft being quieter, much easier and cheaper to maintain  e.g. £500 per hour compared to £4,000 per hour for an average helicopter. It’s batteries are small and fast charging and very stable compared to the very different ones in electric cars. His company’s EVTOL plane VX4 will be displayed at Farnborough Air Show later this year.   President Pauline Lancaster thanked Stuart for his fascinating talk and answering the many questions from members and guests.


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