Roz Spalding is our newest member to the Inner Wheel Club of Nantwich. She was introduced and sworn in at our October meeting. She is a nurse by training but has worked for some years in private hospital management and is still a Trainer and Adviser for care homes and private medical institutions. She moved to the Nantwich area five years ago from the Midlands and decided that this year was the one to join after coming to our meetings as a visitor for a few times. She is a lively and very welcome new member and we hope she will enjoy her membership of our club.
D1 District Chairman Jean’s Journeys 5
District Chairman Jean has produced Jean's Journeys No 5 highlighting Club visits and events during December and special events. AD1_2024_Jean'sJourneys_5 DC Jean has continued her travels around District 1. Jean's Journeys no 5 is available for December. Enjoy seeing...