D5 IW Tarporley President Julie

D5 IW Tarporley President Julie

I was a founder member of Tarporley Inner Wheel in November 1991, Club Corespondent for many years and Speaker organiser.

My chosen Charity this year is Hopes and Beams in Crewe. They provide Sports, Arts, teaching and activities for children and young adults with disabilities.

Other News & Events

D10 Clevedon skittles and cream tea

D10 Clevedon skittles and cream tea

The annual District 10 Skittles competition has begun. For those who haven’t come across this West Country game, it’s a bit like ten pin bowling, only played on a wooden alley with wooden balls, and usually in a pub! We were drawn to play the Inner Wheel Club of...

District 10 Meeting Speaker John Sargent

District 10 Meeting Speaker John Sargent

District 10 held there meeting at the Farmers Club in Gloucester with speaker John Sargent from Gloucester Rotary.  It was a very interesting talk about his experiences of volunteering in Queensland Australia during the Commonwealth Games.