D5 IW Nantwich President Jane

D5 IW Nantwich President Jane

Nantwich has two Presidents this year and will split the responsibilities between them. Both have been Presidents in the last two years. They had such a good time, they wanted to continue. With their combined energy, Nantwich can look forward to a busy and fun year.

Jane Wharton joined Inner Wheel in September 2002, joining Loughborough Club where she and her husband were living at the time. Jane chaired the Social Committee on many occasions. In 2018 -19 she was President of the Club. Unfortunately, she moved to Cheshire halfway through her year of office but brought her experience to Nantwich Club when she was elected President in 2022-23, having been Vice Chair the year previously. Jane has recently moved into Nantwich town itself and has been busy getting even more involved in community life. She is also a member of Soroptimists.

Jane and Alison have chosen two charities we continue to support Chance. Changing Lives, a local charity which helps the homeless and most vulnerable in our sister town of Crewe. Our second charity is the Frailty Unit at Leighton Hospital. This unit, just one year old, actively works with frail patients to avoid a hospital stay. Their record so far is saving 6,445 bed days.

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