D5 Buxton Busoga Trust Lunch

D5 Buxton Busoga Trust Lunch


IW Buxton International Lunch

IW Buxton International Committee organised a delicious “bring and share” lunch for their February meeting. The theme of the event was clean water and sanitation and Lydia Slack gave a very interesting talk about the work of the Busoga Trust that works exclusively in Uganda to bring clean water to rural communities by the rehabilitation and construction of boreholes. They also provide communities with hygiene and sanitation training, including reusable period products for women and girls.

Lydia Slack from Busoga Trust gave a very interesting talk that generated many questions and comments from the audience. Although this was not set up as a fundraising event, £250 in donations was raised for Busoga.
The afternoon finished with a fun game, a different slant on a beetle drive, where members and guests built toilets instead!

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