D3 Darlington Inner Wheel

D3 Darlington Inner Wheel

Darlington President, Pauline Youldon welcomed members and guests to our meeting.
It had been a busy month for the club with members baking and providing tea and coffee for the parishioners of St Augustine’s Church after Mass on each Sunday in April, it proved to be very popular and provided funds for the President’s charities.
At the beginning of the month 10 members went to the 100-year celebration of the founding of Inner Wheel, held in London. The President with other members has also attended the 40th Birthday lunch for Sedgefield Club held at the Park Head Hotel in Coundon.
The highlight of the meeting was our Speaker a long term member of the club, Jean Earle who helped by her daughter-in-law Julie gave a talk on quilt making which, after losing her husband in 1984 she has spent all her spare time perfecting the craft, twice a year she attended 5 day courses at the Royal Hotel Bridlington for courses delivered by tutor Lilian Hedley, she started with traditional quilting then moved on to her favourite whole cloth Durham Quilting (pictured) which took nearly 900 hours of hand sewing.
Liz Mann gave the vote of thanks.


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