D24 Daphne Cole Trophy

D24 Daphne Cole Trophy

The winner of the Daphne Cole Trophy 2024 was Helen Jones of South Woodham Ferrers Club.  The picture shows her being presented with her trophy by fellow club member Lyn Collins.  The challange for 100 for 100 was to write in 100 words or less an article on the subject of something relating to the number 100.  All the participants chose the 100th anniversary of Inner Wheel as the basis for their works and the winning one is below:

“Since Inner Wheel was formed in 1924, the world has undergone transformative changes. Technological advancements have been staggering, from the advent of the automobile to the internet revolution. Socially, there have been significant strides in civil rights, gender equality, and inclusivity. Scientific breakthroughs have reshaped medicine and our understanding of the universe. Environmental concerns have gained prominence, highlighting the need for sustainability. The journey to 100 is a voyage through time; today we celebrate longevity, service and friendship. Let’s thank the women who founded our amazing organisation, and toast those who will carry it forward for the next 100 years.”

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