D24 Celebration of 50 Years

D24 Celebration of 50 Years

Not only was 2024 a special year for Inner Wheel but also for District 24 when we celebrated our 50th anniversary.  We became a separate District splitting from District 8 in 1974.

Our main celebration was a splendid afternoon tea served in the historic setting of the Palace of Beaulieu, also known as New Hall School in Chelmsford.  Representing His Majesty the King was Lady Ruggles Brise, a deputy Lord Lieutenant of Essex, and her husband Sir Timothy. President Anthea and her husband John, District Chairman Penny and her husband Richard, and the District Chairman from District 8, Deidre and her husband Derek were also present.

Before sitting down to tea we visited the chapel, a spectacular room, where we heard something of the history of the building, told by Vice-chairman Elizabeth.  After which we sat down to tea with little finger sandwiches, scones with jam and cream, and a lovely selection of cakes. There was also a beautiful birthday cake, made by an Inner Wheel member,  which we were served with a glass of fizz for toasting the King, our District and indeed the future.

Our speaker, Amanda Sutherland, told us all about her time in the fashion industry, with some interesting insights, and some snippets of gossip. To end the afternoon, there is nothing more we like than ‘retail opportunities.’ There was a large selection of items for sale, and many members made purchases.

The celebration cake is pictured, being cut by Penny and Anthea.

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