D22 Opens Two New Clubs

D22 Opens Two New Clubs

Inner Wheel Clubs of Hucknall and District and Mapperley and District.

Tuesday 17th September 2024 was a momentous day for District 22 with the presentation of Charters to the two new Clubs, Hucknall & District and Mapperley & District. It took place at Goosedale, Nottingham. The Charters were presented by Liz Norris, Association Membership and Development Officer with the regalia being presented by District Chairman Lyn. After the formalities were completed there was food, dancing, singing and friendship between the new members and their guests. Wonderful for the future of Inner Wheel. Well done to all involved.

Liz Norris with the new Clubs. Hucknall with the blue sashes and Mapperley with the pink

District Chairman Lyn Copper with the New Clubs.

L to R Mapperley President Sharon Watson, Member of Council Elaine Hopkins and Hucknall President Cheryl Williams


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