D22 Inner Wheel Club of Retford – Fun, Friendship and International Understanding

D22 Inner Wheel Club of Retford – Fun, Friendship and International Understanding

Inner wheel Club of Retford Club President Carol Lawrenson and members were delighted to welcome District Chairman Mary (2023-24) to their meeting. . Members each brought a piece of personal memorabilia. These items included an Arabic birth certificate, very small Chinese slippers, Himsworth (Sheffield arts and crafts) jewellery, a silver filigree wedding necklace from 1836 and many more items – all with a story to tell. It was informative and fun.
Their member Marion Tasker once again organised tractor tours of a Strawberry Fields raising funds in support of NPAC (National Police Aid Convoy) and the Pad Project. Marion is the founder of the Pad Project which helps ladies and girls make washable and reusable sanitary pads. Two Inner wheel members from Lusaka (Zambia) are looking forward to hosting Marion when she visits Lusaka this summer. She is going to Kerala, India, next year to help establish a Pad Project there. Retford Inner Wheel club are proud to support Marion, NPAC (National Police Aid Convoy) and the Pad Project.


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