D22 52nd Rally 25th March 2024

D22 52nd Rally 25th March 2024

Held at Eastwood Hall, 111 members and guests gathered together for a memorable day.  Highlights included the Service of Thanksgiving led by the Reverend Kate Byrom.  The welcome, lighting of Candles, bringing of greetings, tasty food.  Much laughter and chatter, catching up with old friends and making new ones. The then more formal programme including an  interesting history of Ravenshead from IW Ravenshead President Kathy Kings, an Address by Association President Anthea Tilsley including the presentation of a well-deserved Margarette Golding award to West Ashfield member Pat Churnside.  Lyn Copper gave a moving vote of thanks and Mary closed off the day with thoughts from A A Milne with Pooh and Piglet quietly supporting their friend Eeyore in his time of need.  This is what we do in Inner Wheel we support each other and as Anthea said, ” be absolutely awesome in all  you do.”  See many more photographs on Inner Wheel District 22 Facebook page.

The D22 Executive officers with DC Mary

Mary with Ravenshead

Association President Anthea Tilsley with Pat Churnside

A general view of the Rally.

Another general view of the Rally.


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