D14 International Service Rally

D14 International Service Rally

The International Rally this year was to support the charity Street Child. We were lucky to have as our speaker Anna Lloyd who also brought along her daughter Georgia. Anna gave a very interesting and enlightening talk about how Street Child was founded and the work that has been done since then.
“Street Child works to ensure children are safe, in school and learning, especially in low-resource environments and emergencies. Since starting in Sierra Leone in 2008, we have expanded to 25 countries across the globe and reached over 950,000 children to go to school and learn, and supported over 136,000 families to set up businesses so they can afford the cost of educating their children long-term. We are continuing to expand our programmes and launch rapid responses to respond to crises as they happen”
Our District clubs all set up various stalls in the hall and sold all sorts of items including plants, handbags, jigsaws, and home-made cards. Games and raffles were also very popular and we were able to raise an encouraging amount of funds, which, added to the monies already collected, made a very satisfying donation to present to Anna for Street Child.


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