D14 Inspirational Women Speakers at Kingston

D14 Inspirational Women Speakers at Kingston

Kingston and New Malden were delighted to celebrate Inner Wheel’s Centenary Year by hosting an event at FUSEBOX, a new and exciting venue in central Kingston which is run by Creative Youth, a local charity.
The first speaker was Clare Ballantyne, one of four young women who has managed the Post Office at the bottom of the world, the South Pole! What an amazing experience which she shared with everyone, complete with pictures of penguins, snow, icebergs and stunning Arctic scenery.
Candice Roggeveen told us her own story, working all over the world and currently head of Women’s Projects for our local charity, Voices of Hope, set up to bring hope to individuals and the wider community, initially through choirs, but doing so much more.
The third speaker was Patricia Parker OBE telling us all about the charity she founded – KidsforKids – supporting poor families in Darfur, one of the poorest countries in the world.
All three speakers were truly inspirational and everyone there had a wonderful time listening to them, which included our special guest, our Mayor Councillor Diane White

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