D12 Rally 2024

D12 Rally 2024

On the 14th of June, District 12 hosted another exceptional rally at the stunning West Malling Golf Club. The venue’s beauty set the perfect backdrop for a day of camaraderie and celebration.
After the official photographs were taken, our District Chairman, Chris Head-Rapson, warmly welcomed everyone. She then invited Association President Anthea Tilsley to light the candle of friendship, symbolising the unity and fellowship that binds us all.
As lunch was served, the room buzzed with lively conversations. Members caught up with old friends and made new connections, sharing stories and laughter throughout the meal.
We were honoured to have five distinguished guests join us: District 13 Chairman Carol Rajkumar, District 14 Chairman Yvonne McGuiness, District 25’s Gail Elhinn, National Representative of Sri Lanka Kamilla Rasheed, and President Brenda Hitchcock from the Rotary Club of Sidcup. Each guest brought heartfelt greetings from their respective clubs, adding to the spirit of the day.
The highlight of the event was a humorous, interesting, and encouraging address from our Association President, Anthea Tilsley. Her words inspired and uplifted everyone present.
The day concluded with a toast and closing remarks from our Chairman, Chris Head-Rapson, leaving everyone with a sense of fulfilment and joy. It was truly a wonderful day, enjoyed by all who attended.

By D12 Editor

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