D10 Pershore – International Women’s Day

D10 Pershore – International Women’s Day

In celebration of International Women’s Day on the 8thMarch, President Jan and the members of Pershore Inner Wheel organised an event with seven truly inspirational speakers at Peopleton Village Hall, Worcestershire.

The presentations covered High Office, support for disabled children, personal journeys to success, penguins, setting up a new Medical School and Olympic gold medals!

There was tea, coffee and cake plus a raffle of course, with attendees coming from many Inner Wheel Clubs in D10 and D6, members of WI plus friends, neighbours and family, in total 120 people attended including a few men

Everyone left the event with a smile on their face after hearing such uplifting stories from our speakers.

The speakers were His Majesty’s Lord- Lieutenant of Worcestershire, Beatrice Grant who is the first female to hold the post in this county

Susan Birth, a local artist was chosen to decorate one of the 40 large penguins for the Great Waddle Trail 2024 in support of St Richard’s Hospice, Worcester.

Annie-Marie, the mother of a disabled daughter and son and Becca Holdman of ‘soundabout’ who use ‘use musicsound, and silence to create opportunities for Learning Disabled people with complex support needs thrive.

Freddie Barker the Worcester Poet Laureate for 2024-2025 and is the youngest person to be chosen. Freddie wrote a poem especially for International Women’s Day. A truly inspirational individual.

Professor Sandra Nicholson: Founding Dean Three Counties Medical School, talked to us about her background and aims for this graduate entry medical degree course.

Last to give yet another inspiring talk was Rebecca (Becky) Redfern the gold medal winning Paralympic breaststroke swimmer from Droitwich and a member or Worcester Swimming Club.

She was diagnosed with the degenerative eye condition known as retinitis pigmentosa Becky, has gone on to win gold and silver medals in World, European and Olympic competition. The Olympic gold was achieved at last year’s games and Becky was awarded an MBE in In the 2024 King’s Birthday Honours, for services to young people and to the community in Worcestershire.

Funds raised will go to Parkinson’s UK and local Pershore charities.

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