D10 Clevedon skittles and cream tea

D10 Clevedon skittles and cream tea

The annual District 10 Skittles competition has begun. For those who haven’t come across this West Country game, it’s a bit like ten pin bowling, only played on a wooden alley with wooden balls, and usually in a pub! We were drawn to play the Inner Wheel Club of Newent, at the Tudor Arms in Slimbridge, teams of eight are usually required but we could only field six, so each member played one extra “end”. After a lovely lunch, we came home victorious, so we’re now looking forward to the next round.
Our thanks to Newent for a fun and friendly afternoon
We enjoyed the company of members of the Inner Wheel Club of Chipping Sodbury and our District Chairman Pat Rawlings at an afternoon tea at our meeting on 19th March. President Sue gave everyone a whistle, then read a short story which featured the names of those present, at the mention of which they had to blow their whistle. When “all” or “everyone” was mentioned, everybody had to blow the whistles. It caused a great deal of hilarity – and noise! A raffle in aid of the MPS (Mucopolysaccharidoses) Society was held and raised a good sum for our Presidents’ charity for the year. An enjoyable afternoon – especially the cream tea, thanks President Hazel – but unfortunately we were again few in numbers.

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District 10 Meeting Speaker John Sargent

District 10 Meeting Speaker John Sargent

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D1Meeting Aberdeen -speaker Morag Smith geologist/miner

D1Meeting Aberdeen -speaker Morag Smith geologist/miner

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