Wearing our Inner Wheel high-vis certainly made a stir with lots of people questioning us about the Inner Wheel.
Wearing our Inner Wheel high-vis certainly made a stir with lots of people questioning us about the Inner Wheel.
Chipping Sodbury Inner Wheel welcomed our District Chairman Margaret Bracher to their meeting. She gave an insight into what she has achieved throughout her career. She also had the opportunity to speak to many members of our club and also found what an active club...
In celebration of International Women’s Day on the 8thMarch, President Jan and the members of Pershore Inner Wheel organised an event with seven truly inspirational speakers at Peopleton Village Hall, Worcestershire. The presentations covered High Office, support for...
The annual District 10 Skittles competition has begun. For those who haven’t come across this West Country game, it’s a bit like ten pin bowling, only played on a wooden alley with wooden balls, and usually in a pub! We were drawn to play the Inner Wheel Club of...