Air Ambulances UK

Supporting Air Ambulance Charities

Air Ambulances UK (AAUK) is the national charity supporting the lifesaving work of the UK’s air ambulance charities, enabling them to save even more lives every day.

Air ambulance crews bring the Emergency Department to patients who have suffered a life threatening or life changing trauma or medical emergency; providing advanced critical care to save lives.

On average an air ambulance can reach someone in urgent need within 15 minutes. Anyone, anywhere in the UK can become a patient at any time. Air ambulance charities are collectively dispatched to over 100 lifesaving missions each day across the UK; each mission is funded almost entirely by the generosity of local communities.

Air Ambulances are delighted that Association President Karen has chosen us as her Charity for the year 2022-2023. Karen’s fundraising page link is here:

See the presentation given by Air Ambulances UK at the recent Association Annual Assembly at Yarnfield Park.

Our latest news and events

District 18 Hit the Airwaves!

District 18 'hit the airwaves' recently with an appearance on BBC Merseyside! DC Carole Hille, together with District Secretary Joan Quaile, District ISO Sue Howard and District Editor Carol Tynan, are pictured with radio presenter Billy Hui who kindly invited them...

D15 International Emergency in Southern Africa

International Service Chairman MEL would like to draw your attention to the following; Mary’s Meals is providing a lifeline to families in four of the worst-affected countries in the region. In Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe, the promise of their...

D17 Barnstaple Turns 80!

Barnstaple is 80! Filleigh Village Hall was beautifully ‘dressed’ by us and an amazing tea was laid out on the tables. Chatter everywhere! President Sue and our District 17 Chairman Louise welcomed us and cut our cake. (With modern technology the cake decorations...

D.20 Chocolate Heaven!

Members of West Woodspring were treated to a demonstration of ‘Cooking With Chocolate’  by Sonia and Angela two of their own, it was generally agreed that it should have come with a government health warning. Chocolate crunchie posset, chocolate fudge and flourless...

D5 Buxton Busoga Trust Lunch

  IW Buxton International Lunch IW Buxton International Committee organised a delicious "bring and share" lunch for their February meeting. The theme of the event was clean water and sanitation and Lydia Slack gave a very interesting talk about the work of the...

D22 District Magazine

NEWS IN 22 Welcome to the latest edition of our magazine. Click on the links below to open the Magazine. Latest Issue - Issue 157 Previous Issue - Issue 156 Previous Issue - Issue...