Air Ambulances UK

Supporting Air Ambulance Charities

Air Ambulances UK (AAUK) is the national charity supporting the lifesaving work of the UK’s air ambulance charities, enabling them to save even more lives every day.

Air ambulance crews bring the Emergency Department to patients who have suffered a life threatening or life changing trauma or medical emergency; providing advanced critical care to save lives.

On average an air ambulance can reach someone in urgent need within 15 minutes. Anyone, anywhere in the UK can become a patient at any time. Air ambulance charities are collectively dispatched to over 100 lifesaving missions each day across the UK; each mission is funded almost entirely by the generosity of local communities.

Air Ambulances are delighted that Association President Karen has chosen us as her Charity for the year 2022-2023. Karen’s fundraising page link is here:

See the presentation given by Air Ambulances UK at the recent Association Annual Assembly at Yarnfield Park.

Our latest news and events

D15 Fashion Show Invitation!

Milford Haven Inner Wheel are holding a charity fashion show, Wednesday the 30th April in Image by Vanessa, a womenswear boutique situated on Milford Haven Waterfront, raising money for the Megan Starr Foundation, which provides mental health services to local...

D8 Ely Inner Wheel Support British Heart Foundation

Ely Inner Wheel held their 76th Charter Dinner on 26 February when President Carol Peacock welcomed members and guests including Ely Rotary, Hereward Rotary, District Inner Wheel Chairman and the Mayor of Ely Chris Phillips. We began the evening by the traditional...

D15 The Pink Ladies!

The Inner Wheel Club of Maesteg recently held a Coffee Morning at Llan Hall, Bridgend Road, Llangynwyd, Maesteg. Money raised will go to Breast Cancer Now.

Forfar Club hold an RNLI coffee morning at DC Jean’s

DC Jean writes the following "I am totally gobsmacked by the generosity of everyone who attended or donated to yesterday’s Inner Wheel Coffee Morning held in my home in aid of the RNLI! An amazing £1050 was raised - and I thank you all for your generous donations,...

D22 District Magazine

The latest edition of our District Magazine - 'News in 22' is available here! Latest - Spring 2025 - Edition 158 Previous - Autumn 2024 - Edition 157 Previous - Summer 2024 - Edition 156  ...

D10 Royal Forest of Dean – Easter Eggs

Our ladies are a fabulous bunch and work behind the scenes to ensure that local and international charities are helped at every opportunity possible. Our monthly contributions to The Forest Foodbank were swelled tonight by the dozens of Easter Eggs as well as food...

D10 Royal Forest of Dean – Air Ambulance

We were delighted to welcome Ursula (Sulley) who gave us a very interesting talk about the Air Ambulance Charity this evening. Ursula explained how the crew create a hospital where they land, dealing with major accidents often in tandem with other Air Ambulance...