D1 Centenary Celebration & Rally

D1 Centenary Celebration & Rally


A wonderful day of celebration took place at the Carnoustie Golf Hotel when 120 members of District 1 celebrated the 100th anniversary of the foundation of Inner Wheel.  District Chairman Annetta Anderson welcomed the guests – who included our Association President Anthea Tilsley, International Inner Wheel President Trish Douglas, Lord Lieutenant of Angus, Pat Sawers, representatives from Rotary and 4 visiting District Chairmen.  The birthhday cake was cut by Annetta & Anthea.  Music was provided by the Carnoustie Traditionals led by Annetta’s husband Stuart.  Special music, a poem & a song were written & performed on the occasion. A tribute was paid to our founder, Margaretta Golding by Dundee member, Gloria Burns . Rally Convenor Susan Oliphant and her team had done a magniificent job with beautiful table decorations and a programme to mark this special birthday.  A special centenary song and a poem were performed by Wendy Spence and Margaret Farquarson of the Dunfermline Club.( see separate posts)   Greetings were brought from the guests including 4 visiting District Chairmen from neighbouring Districts – 2, 23, 3, & 16. Chief Steward for the day was Fiona Mapp from the Kinross club and table hostesses had been drawn from a round the District – making this a truely District wide celebration.  Flowers were presented to our District Secretary Glady Johnson and to Rally Convenor Susan Oliphant.  Guest went home with beautiful pansies which were part of the table decorations.




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