by inner wheel district 10 | Nov 11, 2024 | District 10
Chipping Sodbury President Liz Pattison was very honoured to lay a wreath of the Remembrance Parade in Chipping along with the President of Chipping Sodbury Rotary. All wreath bearers marched down the high street with bands playing and flags waving it was very well...
by inner wheel district 10 | Nov 10, 2024 | District 10
Cirencester Inner Wheel Soup Kitchen at Down Ampney Village Hall in aid of Cheltenham Gloucester Hospitals Charity who are raising money to build a new Oncology Unit
by inner wheel district 10 | Nov 10, 2024 | District 10
D10 Clevedon Inner Wheel Club held a charity concert by the Long Ashton Orchestra who played to a packed hall. The programme opened with Purcell’s Rondeau Abdelazar, followed by Beethoven’s Egremont Overture and Piano Sonata No.20. Conductor Chris...
by inner wheel district 10 | Nov 3, 2024 | District 10
It’s taken us a while to get there, but Chipping Sodbury has now donated 100 books to mark the 100 years of Inner Wheel. In all, 2 Nurseries and 8 schools have each received 10 books. It was suggested that books on a particular theme would be a good idea and...
by inner wheel district 10 | Nov 3, 2024 | District 10
Chipping Sodbury Inner Wheel Club members along with Rotarians and local people from the area help out every month with the local litter pick which is organised by the Sodbury and Yate Clean Up Team. Many bags were filled and a welcome cup of tea and a slice of cake...
by inner wheel district 10 | Sep 28, 2024 | District 10
A MacMillan Coffee morning held at our President Liz Pattison’s house which raised over £300. A great example of having fun whilst doing some good for charity. We also had a bring and buy which helped boost the proceeds. Thanks, should be given to Rotary Club of...