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Please complete this form and then your details will be passed on to your closest club who will be able to make contact with you.

They will follow up on the query with an invitation to a meeting or social event to sample Inner Wheel in action and meet members.

We look forward to welcoming you and explaining more about Inner Wheel.

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Our latest news and events

IW Hazel Grove Induct a New Member. We were most fortunate that the Association President Heather Sheerin was able to join us on our club night in March prior to our District 5 Rally. We had the pleasure of seeing a new member, Anne Denning, being inducted  by...

D10 Pershore – International Women’s Day

In celebration of International Women’s Day on the 8thMarch, President Jan and the members of Pershore Inner Wheel organised an event with seven truly inspirational speakers at Peopleton Village Hall, Worcestershire. The presentations covered High Office, support...

D10 Clevedon skittles and cream tea

The annual District 10 Skittles competition has begun. For those who haven’t come across this West Country game, it’s a bit like ten pin bowling, only played on a wooden alley with wooden balls, and usually in a pub! We were drawn to play the Inner Wheel Club of...

District 10 Meeting Speaker John Sargent

District 10 held there meeting at the Farmers Club in Gloucester with speaker John Sargent from Gloucester Rotary.  It was a very interesting talk about his experiences of volunteering in Queensland Australia during the Commonwealth Games.

D1Meeting Aberdeen -speaker Morag Smith geologist/miner

Members from around District 1 including Association President Heather met in Aberdeen on 8th March. A true celebration for International Women's Day with lots of friendship. Under the chairmanship of our DC Jean Hale our speaker in the morning was Morag Smith - a...

D.20 Inner Wheel & Rotary working together

  The Inner Wheel Club of Frome joined their two local Rotary Clubs to welcome Mike Taylor, the Chairman of Bath Cancer Unit Support Group who visited the Pop-Up charity shop in the Westway Shopping Centre recently, when he launched a final push to raise £7000...

D22 Alfreton 100 for 100 one year on.

In 2024 as part of the 100 for 100 challenge the Inner Wheel Club of Alfreton planted 100 crocus bulbs.  We can now see the fruits of their labour and Inner Wheel "at the Heart of the Community for over 100 years." And, for many years to come.      ...

D22 International Information Lunch 26th February 2025

  International Service Committee Chairman Lynda Wallace welcomed 64 members from the Clubs in District 22 to her Information Lunch at The Hostess Restaurant Sookholme Mansfield Nottinghamshire on 26 February 2025.  Speaker Janice Holmes from Janice Rose...