Association Committees

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Our latest news and events

D5 Autumn Meeting with Birthday Cake!

Happy Birthday DC Sheila! D5 members attending the Autumn district meeting last week were treated to birthday cake as the meeting date coincided with DC Sheila's birthday. Many happy returns Sheila! In addition to eating cake members also enjoyed a talk by Rotarian...

D10 Ann Kelly – Riviera Travel Cruise Winner

In May, at the International Inner Wheel Convention, Manchester, I won the prize draw for a Riviera Cruise, I chose the cruise on the Douro River in Portugal. The prize was for 2 and as 1 am a widow I chose my best friend to accompany me. We flew from Bristol...

D22 Clay Cross Gets a New President

The Induction of the new President Julie Marshall of the Inner Wheel Club was undertaken by Immediate Past President Cheryle Berry MBE. Julie is quite familiar with the role as this is her fifth time of holding the office.  President Julie's charities for the year...

D14 Aldershot Charity Lunch

Aldershot club recently held a very enjoyable lunch at President Jan's house for members and partners. This was in aid of the local Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice, which does so much for the care of adult patients, their families and carers, across parts of Surrey and...

Cheque Presentation to Beat

During her Presidential year, Immediate Past Association President Anthea chose Beat as her charity.  She was delighted to welcome Chloe, the representative from Beat, to join the Association Executive at Warwick Square to present her with the final cheque.  Chloe...

D5 Marple & Goyt Vally President Pauline

Hi l am Pauline Harrison President of my Club and District 5 Editor - l must have been a member for nearly forty years. When it was our 30th Charter we only had four members but managed to celebrate and last year we celebrated our 40th Charter with 11...