Anne hangs up her running shoes after her 12th London Marathon

Anne hangs up her running shoes after her 12th London Marathon

A member of the Elgin Club, Anne started running at the age of 59.

Exercising in the gym was not for her, and with the encouragement from neighbours, she joined her local running club and she started entering races.

Anne has run Cross Country for the Scotland’s Scottish veterans team against teams from England, Wales and Ireland. The team has won Gold, Silver and Bronze at various venues and she has gone on to participate in and win races in her age group.

To date Anne has run 25 marathons. 2021 saw her run her twelfth London Marathon. She  is able to get a place as she runs at a speed ‘Good for Age’  (75 –79 years).  She came 2nd in this section!

This year was also the Abbot World Marathon WANDA Majors World Championships where Anne came 2nd in that section too, receiving 2 medals and a plaque.

Anne has run the Loch Ness Marathon on 6 occasions and we have seen her here in Moray, her home patch, running the Moray Marathon 3 times.  She has also run in the Edinburgh, Thanet, Dublin and Lochaber marathons.

She now finds the training the hardest part of running a marathon as the training takes up a lot of time and energy.

She decided this would be her final marathon, and having made this decision, although she felt tired at times during the run, she told herself to enjoy it all — as this would be her final one. To her surprise she enjoyed the run so watch this space…

The members of the Inner Wheel Club of Elgin are so fond of Anne and exceedingly proud of her many achievements.

Jane xx

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