District 5 Rally, March 1st 2022 at the Deanwater Hotel

District 5 Rally, March 1st 2022 at the Deanwater Hotel

It was a lovely sunny St. David’s Day when 107 ladies all dressed up in their spring outfits arrived for this rally. The room was filled with sunshine as each table was decorated with bright yellow daffodils. Our guests were Association President Betty and her husband Dave, as well as visitors from Districts 12, 18, 19 and 128. It was also lovely for our District Chairman Isobel Sinclair to be with us as she has been so poorly for a few months. Sadly she could not stay for the duration and had to leave early.

The choir entertained us beautifully as usual with songs both serious and light hearted.

After a lovely meal we were addressed by Association President Betty and I must say that it was one of the most memorable greetings I have heard for some time. As well as speaking of the problems facing our members these days, she spoke about her charity of Stroke Awareness which was obviously very close to her heart. Her ambition of walking from John-o-Groats to Lands End was amusingly explained by members just counting the miles walked around local parks where age did not dissuade them and also collected as well as contributions, local people joining in.

She had brought her teddy for company as he travels with her on her journey around the Districts and teddy was presented with a jar of local honey, ( just in case he was related to Pooh bear), and a jar of marmalade (for Paddington!)

Due to the dreadful situation in Ukraine a collection was raised which reached £335.00.

A lovely end to a lovely day.

Betty Hayhurst – District Historian

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