D10 Royal Forest of Dean support Forest of Dean Spring Trails Half Marathon

D10 Royal Forest of Dean support Forest of Dean Spring Trails Half Marathon

Not long to go now. Have you secured your place?
Don’t forget, the Inner Wheel ladies will be out in force with lots of delicious hot drinks, sausage rolls, soup and cakes. Plus they will be selling T shirts for you to take home as souveniers of a great day! 🏃‍♀️🏃🏿🏃🏾‍♂️
You may not take away as many awards as Nigel did, but it is promising to be a great race, with three events in one and already over a thousand entries.
We have over twenty runners with an expected time of under 1:15 so it should be a hard fought race for the medals. Admittedly one of them has estimated 10mins for the distance so you can’t always believe what you read.
Two weeks left for standard entry
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